COVID-19 Resource in Dallas
Updates on the Status of the COVID-19 Vaccine
There are currently two vaccines that are authorized and recommended to prevent COVID-19: the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. The main differences between the two vaccines are the time between doses and the temperatures required for storing. For the Pfizer vaccine, the booster shot occurs 21 days after the initial dose, while those who receive the Moderna vaccine need to wait 28 days in between doses. The vaccines are also stored at different temperatures. The Pfizer vaccine must be placed in a minus 90 degrees Fahrenheit freezer, while the Moderna vaccine can be kept at temperatures comparable to a home freezer.
Despite their minor differences, one hopeful fact about both of the vaccines remains true – they are highly effective at preventing COVID-19, according to the CDC. Experts believe that getting the vaccine might also keep you from getting seriously ill even if you do contract COVID-19. This is good news due to the severe, potentially life-threatening complications that can arise from the COVID-19 virus.
How to Register for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Dallas County Health and Human Services is collecting the names of those who are eligible to register for the vaccine as they become available. Only those in Phase 1A or 1B are currently able to register Dallas County is currently distributing the Moderna vaccine, which is only available for those who are 18 and older. If you are eligible for one of the early rounds of the COVID-19 vaccine, you can visit the Dallas County Health and Human Services website to begin.
What to Know About Receiving Your COVID-19 Vaccine
If you are eligible for the vaccine, please make your designated health provider aware of any health conditions, vaccines you’ve received recently, and any other relevant information about your health like allergens and recent illnesses. After you receive your first dose, your provider will schedule you for your second dose. The vaccine is most effective when spaced appropriately. After you are vaccinated, your immunization will be noted on your official IMMTRAC vaccine record.
In addition to helping protect yourself from the virus, getting the COVID-19 vaccine can help protect those around you, especially those who are vulnerable to developing severe complications. Although getting the vaccine is voluntary, it is strongly recommended for those who are eligible.
Information in this page was accurate at the time of posting. Due to the developing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with developing guidelines, information is subject to change since the publication date. For more information about our emergency services in Dallas, call us at (214) 494-8222.

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