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4th of July Safety Tips Everyone Should Follow

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The 4th of July or Independence Day is one of the most popularly celebrated national holidays in the United States. At the time of reading this blog, you or a close friend is likely planning a get-together. Before the plans get too developed, though, you should start thinking about everyone’s safety. From our team at Advance ER, we would like to share some must-know 4th of July safety tips for every celebrant.

Firework Safety

Fireworks are synonymous with the 4th of July. But they are also directly related to severe danger when mishandled. Everyone at your 4th of July party must prioritize safety whenever fireworks are in use or near.

Five firework safety tips to follow include:

  1. Only buy fireworks from a legal source. Illegal fireworks can get you in legal trouble, and there is no way to tell how they were manufactured, which could increase the risk of an unpredictable result when lit.
  2. Never allow children to use fireworks unattended. Children should only be allowed to use small fireworks, too, like sparklers.
  3. Keep an ample water source on hand when using fireworks of any kind. A garden hose, fire extinguisher, or a bucket of water can do nicely.
  4. Douse all used fireworks thoroughly to ensure they are extinguished. Even a little bit of smoldering ash can relight a firework.
  5. Never hold a firework or place it on your body if it is designed to explode. Typically, the only firework that is safe to hold is a sparkler.

COVID Safety

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is likely to see another large surge this summer, as it has in past years. The omicron strain of the virus is highly contagious, albeit, generally less likely to cause a dangerous infection. Even social gatherings outside and among vaccinated people could become an omicron “spreader” event. You should practice social distancing and mask use at any gathering with people outside of your household.

Hydration Safety

For many parts of the country, the 4th of July is marked by a hot summer day. Make sure that everyone who celebrates at your home has plenty of water to drink if they are going to be out in the sun. Dehydration from sun exposure can happen within an hour or less, so frequent drinks of cool water are a must. If someone starts complaining of fatigue or headaches, then bring them into an air-conditioned room, give them water, and monitor them closely. Call 911 if they show any signs of a heat stroke like fainting or vomiting.

Food Safety

Watch where you keep and present food for your 4th of July party. Leaving delicious meals out in the sun for too long can make them unsafe to eat. Raw meat needs to be cooked thoroughly and kept away from other types of food, too. When in doubt, toss it out! Better to throw away a plate of potentially spoiled food than to risk giving someone a bad case of food poisoning.

Driving Safety

Every major holiday in America sees an increase in drunk driving accidents and injuries, including the 4th of July. Everyone who attends your party and plans on drinking must also plan on going home with a designated driver. As the 4th of July party host, you can also consider setting up a room in your house as a guest room for the night, allowing one or a few people to sleep there, so they can drive home in the morning when they are sober.

From all of us at Advance ER in Dallas, Texas, we wish you and your family a fun and safe 4th of July. Keep these tips in mind, and we know that your holiday weekend will be the best that it can be!