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Your Cancer Prevention Checklist

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Cancer Screening & Prevention Recommendations

Just like brushing your teeth and scheduling your next dental cleaning, taking care of your body and scheduling recommended screenings is a vital part of your health. Cancer can have a devastating effect on your health, which means taking these precautions are some of the most important actions you can do to support your health.

When it comes to reducing your risks of cancer and spotting early warning signs before cancer cells have spread, here are some recommendations to follow:

Screening Guidelines

As you grow older, your chances of developing certain cancers increases — making regular screening essential to early detection and treatment.

Many screening recommendations are broken down by age. The following guidelines from the American Cancer Society can help you know when to be tested:

Age 25-39

Cervical cancer screenings are the main exam recommended for patients of this age group. Beginning at 25 years old, women should be checked annually.

Age 40-49

The following exams are recommended for patients of this age group:

  • Breast cancer screening (recommended annually at 45, optional at 40.)
  • Cercival cancer screening.
  • Colorectal cancer screening (recommended at 45.)
  • Prostate cancer screening (for African Americans starting at age 45.)

Age 50+

At age 50, the following exams are recommended annually for patients of this age group:

  • Breast cancer screening.
  • Cervical cancer screening.
  • Colorectal cancer screening.
  • Lung cancer screening (for patients who smoke.)
  • Prostate cancer.

Whether you have symptoms or not — early screening is vital. In addition to these recommendations, it’s important to perform self-checks at home, go over your family history with your primary care doctor, and go for regular visits so they can help advise you on what screenings you should have.

Lifestyle Changes

At least 18% of all cancers diagnosed in the US are related to excess body weight, physical inactivity, excess alcohol consumption, and/or poor nutrition. Learn more about making small changes to your everyday life:


Exercising frequently supports your health, as strengthening your body, preventing inflammation, and maintaining a healthy weight helps to fight off cancer and other chronic diseases. To support your overall wellbeing, here are some general tips to follow while working out:

  • Get at least two and a half hours of moderate aerobic physical activity each week.
  • Add strength training exercises into your exercise routine.
  • Change your routine every so often to avoid growing bored.


Besides quitting smoking, living a healthy life through diet and proper nutrition are the top ways Americans can prevent cancer. Here are a few ways you can support a healthy diet:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Limit your sugar intake.
  • Avoid solid fats.
  • Eat limited amounts of red meat and processed meats.
  • Add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your plate.
  • Eat nutrient-dense foods and whole grains.

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Day or night, the staff at Advance ER is standing by to provide the highest quality emergency medical care. We have the same services found in hospital emergency rooms and meet or exceed all emergency room requirements.

Contact us today to learn more about our services, or if your loved one experiences a medical emergency.