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The Importance of Keeping Up with Routine Tests

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little boy getting his throat checked at the doctor

Staying On Top of Your Preventative Care Routine

Despite the spike in COVID-19 cases across Texas, it’s important to remember routine checkups and health screenings are an essential part of your health. Cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases require regular visits to a health facility depending on your condition's nature. Additionally, some patients make an annual visit to their doctor as a preventative measure.

Keeping up with your physical health can help prevent a medical emergency. Learn when it makes sense for you to visit your doctor, and which risk factors you should be keeping in mind.

When Should I See My Doctor?

Although there is a debate if one should visit their doctor annually for a routine checkup or physical, the choice will be informed by age, general health, and specific health risks. When you go to see your doctor for a routine checkup, they will listen to your heart, lungs and some will get your weight and vital signs. Let’s examine some of the possible checkups you will get when you visit your primary doctor regularly:

Height and Weight

Your height should always match your BMI (body mass index) for healthy living. Your doctor might consider taking your height and weight to ensure that you are, keeping your BMI at a reasonable range, which helps you stay healthy and keep heart diseases, diabetes, type 2, and some forms of cancer.

Although you might not be in a healthy range, you will be getting advice from the doctor to help achieve the desired BMI.

Blood Pressure

Global statistics indicate that many people are suffering from blood pressure-related conditions. Your blood's pressure against the arteries is measured to ensure that it is in a normal range.

When the pressure is too high, then there are chances that you could be in danger of getting heart diseases or even stroke. The usual range of blood pressure should be less than or equal to 120 over 80. Consult with your doctor about the intervals required to take your blood pressure.


Increased supply of junk foods leads to high cholesterol in our bodies. High cholesterol has been known to cause heart diseases or stroke. Many doctors recommend that you have cholesterol checked after every 4 to 6 years for people who are older than 20 years.

However, if you have a family history of heart diseases, diabetes, and other personal accounts, then getting a routine checkup for cholesterol levels will benefit you.

Freestanding Emergency Room in Dallas

Day or night, the staff at Advance ER is standing by to provide the highest quality emergency medical care. We have the same services found in hospital emergency rooms and meet or exceed all emergency room requirements.

Contact us today if you are experiencing a medical emergency.
