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Strokes and Why it’s Important to Act F.A.S.T.

Best 24-Hour Emergency Room With No Wait
Stroke signs and symptoms

Know the Warning Signs of a Stroke and Act Quickly to Save a Life

Strokes, also called brain attacks, are serious medical emergencies. A stroke occurs when blood flow is cut off from the brain, depriving the brain of much-needed oxygen and nutrients so the body can carry out essential functions. Every minute counts once a person has had a stroke. Left untreated, a stroke can cause permanent brain damage.

Frighteningly, 97% of adults over the age of 50 did not recognize the warning signs of a stroke, according to a Gallup Survey. Further data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed only 38% of American adults polled knew to call 9-1-1 when someone was having a stroke. This creates the opportunity to increase awareness so those who suffer a stroke can get the treatment they desperately need as rapidly as possible. By getting to an emergency room quickly, so circulation can be restores before brain tissue dies.

Call 9-1-1 right away if you witness someone who might be having a stroke. These are medical emergencies and requires urgent medical attention. Learn more warning signs of a stroke on the American Stroke Association website.

Recognizing a Stroke When it Happens

Early action is of the utmost importance when someone experiences a stroke, as the chances of survival are much greater when there is rapid medical treatment.

How to spot a stroke “F.A.S.T”:

  • Facial drooping: Ask the person to smile, and see if one side of the face droops.
  • Arm weakness: Ask the individual to raise both raise, and ask if one arm is weak or numb. If one arm drifts downward, it could indicate a stroke.
  • Speech difficulties: Slurred, difficult-to-understand speech can also indicate a stroke. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, such as “the sky is blue.” Listen while they repeat to hear if they pronounce the words clearly and correctly.
  • Time to call 9-1-1: Any or all of these symptoms, even if they go away, can indicate a stroke. You should immediately call 9-1-1, do not drive yourself or someone else to the hospital after a stroke. The paramedics can administer life-saving medical care while transporting the individual to the hospital and you will be seen immediately rather than having to wait.

When Someone Has a Stroke, Act F.A.S.T & Call 9-1-1

Treatment for a stroke depends on several factors, including the type of stroke the person sustained. At Advance ER, our on-site specialist physicians and medical staff work quickly to treat stroke patients and restore blood flow to the brain. This may be done with emergency IV medication, endovascular procedures, removing blood clots in the brain, or other treatments.

For further information about our freestanding emergency room, contact us at Advance ER by calling (214) 494-8222.
